Monday 30 April 2012

What is Advertising

Network has become a new platform to attract potential customers.Obviously, the media landscape is constantly changing; it brings a vast innovation to advertising marketing. Advertising is essential for the promotional mix of communication tools. It is a paid form of communication. The aim of advertising is independent of the transmitting medium .There are many types of advertising, like Brand advertising, Retail/local advertising, Political advertising, Business to business advertising and Interactive advertising, etc, all types of advertising have the different mode of transmission.

Advertising  is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular type of product or service. Advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image". As a business begins, one of the major goals of advertising must be to generate awareness of the business and its products. Once the business reputation is established, and its products are positioned within the market, the amount of resources used for advertising will decrease as the consumer develops a kind of loyalty to the product. Ideally, this established, and evergrowing customer base will ultimately boost the company in its efforts to carry their advertising message out into the market, both through its purchasing actions and its testimonials on behalf of the product or service.


  1. u can introduce some more traditional advertising...

    1. after i will update my blog. you can find more traditional advertising

  2. thanks for sharing this post.
